World Cholangiocarcinoma Day

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Federation Chamber
12 February 2024

Thursday is World Cholangiocarcinoma Day.

Cholangiocarcinoma is not a word you often hear. It’s a rare and aggressive form of cancer that attacks the bile duct.

Because it’s a silent cancer, it’s mostly not detected until the late stages. It’s survival rate is only between three and eight per cent. Mostly, life expectancy is six to 12 months.

The advocates for treatments, funding and awareness are mainly patients and their families.

The patient led foundation has the philosophy of ’empower the patient, increased survival; empower the patient’s community, create more survivors’.

There are new treatments, including exploratory work with viruses, which are extending lives and creating hope.

In my own electorate I want to pay tribute to and honour the advocacy of Karen O’Hagen Humphries. Karen was first diagnosed in 2021 and last month sadly experienced a relapse.

She’s adamant, ‘This is not my time,’ and she says she has much work to do—and I know she does, as do the medical professionals who are doing everything they can to support Karen.

Karen’s been instrumental in creating a campaign called Light Australia Green, with 70 buildings and structures nationwide being coloured green as a means of creating awareness. In my own community, Hornsby Shire Council are lighting the Hornsby fountain and Hornsby mall. I want to acknowledge Councillor Sallianne McClelland in making this happen.

I want to pay tribute to everyone involved in the Cholangiocarcinoma Foundation and wish them every success with their work. I’m cheering on our great local Karen O’Hagen Humphries. Your community is behind you, and we wish you all the best.

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