Tell Your Story to the Regional Telecommunications Review 

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Recently the Government announced the Review of Regional Telecommunications
– this review can help achieve fundamental change for our community if enough people from our community share their stories with the Review.

The Review needs to hear about:

  • the appalling mobile service in our community and why we need a Universal Service Guarantee for mobile services in peri-urban areas, such as ours.
  • the problems people in our community are having with the NBN.
  • how inaction by telcos puts people in our community at risk during fires, floods and medical emergencies.
  • the problems you have had accessing mobile or broadband services at your home or business – especially during lockdown.

I want to be sure voices from our community are heard. That is why I am asking you to share your experience with the review.

You can tell your story to the review here:…/2021-regional…

Submissions must be received by 30 September 2021.

Just fill in your details and upload a word document or PDF telling your experience of poor telecommunications. You don’t need to write a long essay – just tell your story.

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