Stronger Communities Programme (Round 8)

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I am pleased to let you know that Round 8 of the Stronger Communities Programme is now open.

The Stronger Communities Program provides $150,000 to each federal electorate for eligible small capital projects that encourage and support participation in local projects and improve our local community.

Grants of up to $20,000 are available.

A maximum of 20 projects will be funded in each federal electorate.

The objective of the programme is to

  • deliver social benefits for local communities
  • encourage and support participation in local projects
  • contribute to vibrant and viable communities.


To apply for a grant, your community group must:

  1. Have an Australian Business Number (ABN); and
  2. Be an incorporated not-for-profit organisation, a local governing body, a Commonwealth, state or territory government agency that is a fire service (CFA), SES or similar or an incorporated trustee on behalf of a trust with responsibility for a community asset.

For further information on program eligibility refer to the grant opportunity guidelines.


  1. Contact our office at [email protected] to receive an Expression of Interest (EOI) form and then submit that completed form to us by 5:00pm on Friday 10 March. 
  2. Our community consultative committee will meet in late March to consider all EOI’s received. We will invite successful applicants to lodge an online application (Stage 2).
  3. Those successful will need to complete their online applications by 10 May 2023. 

*Please note: these grants are highly sought after. It is likely we will receive more EOI’s than we have funding to allocate, therefore not all groups who lodge an EOI will be successful in progressing to Stage 2. 

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