I was delighted to attend the 75th anniversary celebrations of the Glenorie Rural Fire Brigade to present medals to some wonderful Australians.
Rod Derriman was awarded a National Medal for his 23 years of service. As captain, Rod has fostered a strong sense of community within the brigade.
Bruce Whiteman was awarded the National Medal. Over his 47 years of service, Bruce has taken it upon himself to train younger members.
Ross Lithgow was awarded a medal for 46 years of service. Ross is a life member of the brigade and has held several leadership roles.
Elizabeth Whiteman was awarded a medal for 35 years of service. Elizabeth’s worn many hats during her time and is currently the brigade’s secretary.
Diane Coxon-Ellis was awarded a National Medal for 28 years of service. She was deputy captain of the communications brigade for over 10 years.
Craig Whiteman was awarded a National Medal and National Emergency Medal for 27 years of service. Craig completed his basic training before he was 16 and has held several leadership positions.
Colvin Ellis was awarded a National Medal. Colvin has been integral to the brigade’s interagency work, having worked in tandem with other agencies for his 27 years of service.
Glynn Lloyd was awarded the National Medal and National Emergency Medal for 21 years of service. Having served since he was 16, he’s been an invaluable mentor to younger members.
And Mark Bluett was awarded a National Medal and National Emergency Medal for his 19 years of service. During his time, Mark has volunteered for several out-of-area commitments.
I want to congratulate everyone at the Glenorie RFS. Thank you for your service to our community and the nation.