The stats are in. NorthConnex has not only reduced commute times but has reduced the number of crashes by more than half and near misses during peak hour by 65%.
This data confirms what I’ve been hearing from locals in my electorate, that NorthConnex has been a real game-changer for our area.
By moving traffic off Pennant Hills Road NorthConnex, including more than 6,000 trucks a day, average speeds on Pennant Hills Road are up to 33 per cent faster in the afternoon peak, meaning improved traffic flow and safer local roads.
More stats on NorthConnex and the improvement of traffic on Pennant Hills Road:
- Average speeds on are now 33 per cent faster in the afternoon peak on Pennant Hills Road – saving motorists around 6 minutes.
- Crashes on Pennant Hills Road between the M1 and M2 have more than halved, with Centre for Road Safety data showing just 10 crashes between November 2020 and February 2021, compared to 22 in the same period the year before.
- There have only been around five crashes recorded this year in the tunnel itself, with no injuries.
This data is part of Transurban’s new submission to the NSW Inquiry into Road Tolling Regimes, which starts hearings in July. Transurban has invited members of the committee to a behind-the-scenes tour of NorthConnex as part of its inquiry.