Julian Leeser MP has put pressure on insurance companies by delivering numerous cases of inadequate service from insurers and their preferred builders to the Insurance Council of Australia in the wake of the December 2018 storms.
“Berowra is still covered in tarps and people are living with leaking roofs, inadequate repairs and no certainty about the future,” said Julian Leeser MP.
Julian Leeser MP has been door-knocking in Berowra in an attempt to reach people who he had not been able to reach through community catch-ups and insurance forums.
“Constituents continue to bring cases to my attention where insurance companies and builders have not been delivering adequate service,” said Julian Leeser.
Julian has been presented with cases of people still waiting with buckets on the floor and mushrooms in the roof, and damage only getting worse because no repairs have been made.
Others have reported of assessments being done and scope of works expected to be signed without anyone having looked under the tarp to see the extent of the damage.
One gentleman was quizzed for hours by an insurance company who alleged he had damaged his own hail-damaged car with a hammer.
There are many families living in hotels, with no idea when they can return to their home.
For most people getting any information requires sitting on the phone for hours but still receiving no real answers.
“This week, I hand delivered seventeen cases to the Insurance Council for action. It is time we hold insurance companies to account. It is, after all, their entire role to provide security for our communities in times of need. Instead they are exacerbating anxiety and breeding feelings of helplessness among people in our own community,” said Julian Leeser.