In the Budget, the Coalition Government announced it would be investing $737 million in mental health across Australia. This includes $461 million for youth mental health and suicide prevention.
“This is an essential investment in the future of Australia. I know from personal experience the devastation that is cause by suicide on individuals, families and communities,” said Julian Leeser. “Unfortunately the trends show suicide is only increasing, particularly amongst our young people, and we must find a way to curb this trend.”
Mental health is a significant concern for all Australians. Suicide is particularly tragic and has unalterable effects on communities and families. It is a national priority to combat youth suicide. According to Lifeline CEO, Colin Seery, in the last year there was a 9.1% increase in the lives lost to suicide.
Lifeline Harbour to Hawkesbury in the Berowra electorate, has seen an increase of 20.7% in the number of individuals seeking face-to-face assistance from our local crisis support and suicide prevention services during this financial year.
Lifeline H2H’s CEO, Wendy Carver said “These government initiatives will assist service providers such as Lifeline to ensure they deliver relevant services in areas where there is an identified need for increased crisis support and/or suicide intervention.”
“This is an issue for every community in the country,” said Julian Leeser. “I am incredibly grateful for the work Lifeline and many other mental health support organisations do in the Berowra community.”
An additional 30 new headspace services will be set across Australia as a result of the funding boost. The funding will also go towards early psychosis treatment, perinatal support, eight trial adult mental health centres and four new specialist residential facilities for eating disorders.
For 24/7 crisis or suicide prevention support, please call Lifeline on 13 11 14 or visit