Reverend Chris Edwards, Bishop of North Sydney,
Greg Olliffe,
My colleagues Philip Ruddock and Matt Kean
Ladies and Gentlemen,
It’s wonderful to see Andrew’s church family who have come all the way from San Souci. I’m sure the GPS got a good workout this evening.
It is an honour and privilege to join you at Cherrybrook Anglican church – and to celebrate the commencement of Andrew Kyrios’s ministry here at Cherrybook.
To the church – happy 25th anniversary! A wonderful milestone.
There’s something Australian about this night…. not just the summer sunset, and the sound of cicadas.
But you have here – a Jewish member of Parliament, speaking in an Anglican Church, welcoming the new rector who started out in life in the Greek Orthodox church! So Australian.
It’s a case of Bellevue Hill meets Beverley Hills, here in Cherrybrook.
What drew me to Cherrybrook was the amazing woman I met in university who became the love of my life Joanna, and what’s drawn Andrew to Cherrybrook its this amazing community which will become his life’s work
To me, moments like this are a reminder that our religious freedoms are so precious.
And I am so grateful for the religious communities in our area.
You understand human dignity – that every life is God-given and has meaning – and that we are more than the sum of our possessions. That’s at the heart of your faith and mine.
I am grateful for this community, and the community of churches all throughout Berowra.
It’s wonderful to celebrate this new chapter in your life Andrew.
I think you are the first rector that I have ever known that has a commerce and economics degree! So, we can all be certain, the church books will be balanced!
Now, we have a phrase in politics – it is “that politicians are volunteers, but families are conscripts”. The same might apply to those who work for the church.
Andrew and Sally, bring with them a wonderful young tribe – George and Thomas, Anastasia and Theo.
Joanna and I are exhausted with two young children – and you have four!
Wonderful, loud, joyous, demanding and curious! How glorious!
I can predict there are going to be services when the children will be louder than Andrew’s sermons.
So, we welcome today not just a minister, but a family as well.
This is a family area.
….Younger couples, balancing work and family.
….Older people, with adult children, still living in the family home.
….Single people trying to get into the market.
….Every one trying to find their way in life.
It’s a wonderful area – where people build communities.
And I am sure this family will do a wonderful job, helping build this church community.
Thank you for welcoming me.