I know that people working in the arts sector have been hit hard by COVID-19. I have been talking to the PM Treasurer and Minister Paul Fletcher about the need to support people working in the arts in my community.
I’m pleased that the Government has announced that grants will be available to eligible arts organisations, companies and promoters to fund new events, activities and productions.
The $75 million Restart Investment to Sustain and Expand (RISE) Fund will provide grants of between $75,000 and $2 million to help restart activities such as festivals, concerts, tours and events.
This will allow the arts sector to reactivate, re-imagine and create new cultural experiences, including innovative operating and digital delivery models. It will also help keep artists, performers, roadies, front of house staff and all those who work behind the scenes employed.
The Government also released guidelines for the $35 million Arts Sustainability Fund to provide direct financial assistance to support Commonwealth-funded arts and culture organisations.
Applications are open from 31 August, and will be considered on a rolling process.
To find out more visit www.arts.gov.au/covid-19-update.