Binnowee Kindergarten recently celebrated its 85th birthday. The kindergarten opened in 1935 and, to mark the anniversary, they held a small ceremony to bury a time capsule. The staff and parents talked about the value of being able to represent life in Binnowee in 2020 to a future generation. With the global pandemic, it became even more relevant and valuable as an exercise, bearing a snapshot of life during 2020. The capsule contained a USB stick with information about current practices and events at Binnowee; a copy of the speech which was to have been made at the 85th birthday celebrations, which were sadly cancelled due to COVID-19; staff photos and photos of the building and playground; an ABC article on how staff Christmas parties are being done differently in 2020 due to COVID-19, with Binnowee featured in that article; a disposable face mask and bottle of hand sanitiser; and a Magna-Tile, which is a popular building block that children use each day. I want to acknowledge Sara Andersson, the preschool director, and Amy Hunter, the chair of the Binnowee board for their leadership of the Binnowee Kindergarten, particularly through the challenges this year has presented. I also want to thank the teachers and early childhood educators, Julie Watts, Kathy Simpson, Debbie Lucas, Kelly Freer, Nicole Freer and Donna Bissett. I want to acknowledge the 85th birthday organising committee for the work they put into celebrating this important milestone. I also want to thank the teachers and the leadership of Binnowee Kindergarten for all they do. Congratulations, Binnowee Kindergarten, on 85 years. This is a fantastic way to mark your history.

Speech to the House of Representatives – First Anniversary of the Hamas Terror Attacks on Israel
Today we think of the 1,200 men, women and children, citizens of more than 30 countries, who were slaughtered by Hamas in the largest murder