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Berowra MP Julian Leeser has today released 21 very short videos answering many of the questions Australians have about the YES Case.

“The questions are based on the most common questions I have been asked in my electorate and as I have traveled around Australia”, said Mr Leeser.

Questions the videos answer include:

  • Why do we need to change the Constitution?
  • Why should the Voice be in the Constitution?
  • What does it mean that the Voice will consult with the executive government?
  • Why not a Chinese, Indian or Italian Voice instead?
  • What does it mean that the Voice 
  • Who will be on the Voice?
  • What issues will the Voice focus on?
  • What decisions will the Voice make?

Mr Leeser said, “Australians rightly have questions about the referendum. I want to answer those questions and give Australians the confidence to vote YES”.

“As a constitutional conservative, I understand the caution many have when considering changing the Constitution. We have one of the best constitutions in the world.

“I believe the change is safe and the reasonable questions many people have can be answered.

“Most of the questions that I know people have are about what the Voice will actually do. The Voice is a committee that will give governments advice, no different than any other committee.

“Its job will be to improve Aboriginal health, education, housing and economic opportunities. It will be about closing the gap so that the next generation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children will have the same opportunities as other Australian children.”

“By closing the gap we can help Australia become stronger and more united – and that’s what the Voice is all about”.

“No doubt as the campaign evolves, more questions will be asked by Australians and along with other advocates for the YES case, I will answer them as well”.

The videos are available at

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