Scouts facility to become wheelchair friendly

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Scouts have received $10,000 from the Morrison Government to allow access for disabled community members and make their site more accessible after dark for users of the site.

The fund will be used to upgrade the security and pathway lighting and to create wheelchair accessible ramps throughout Baden Powell Scout Centre in Pennant Hills.

“This funding will make an important contribution to enabling the Scouts greater security for their sites and greater accessibility for their volunteers,” said Julian Leeser MP.

“This is a great example of the way these grants enable volunteer-run organisations like the Scouts who make huge contributions to our community, to update their facilities and make their activities more accessible to member of our community who live with disability.”

Neville Tomkins, Chief Commissioner of Scouts NSW said, “We are always looking at ways to make our activities and services more accessible and inclusive for community members. This funding will enable easier access for our scouts and volunteers living with a disability and better security at Baden Powell Scout Centre in Pennant Hills.”

The funds are provided as part of the Stronger Communities programme. For more information about the programme, visit

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